Tatsiana Karpachova
Born 1991 in Minsk, Belarus
Since 2021 lives and works in Tbilisi, Georgia.

2017 Belarusian State Academy of Arts
Manumental-Decorative Art Department 
2010 Minsk States Gymnasium College of Arts
Graphic Design

Honors and Awards
2020 Stipend “Gaude Polonia” National Centre for Culture
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Poland
2020, 2018 Elizabeth Greenshields Grant, Canada
2016 Stipend named by Vitalij Cvirko Belarussian States Academy of Art

Selected Group Exhibitions
2020 Space KX " Home is where I am" Brest, Belarus
2020 Labirynt galary “Somewhere now” Lublin, Poland
2020 Chrysalismag Lockdown online https://chrysalismag.by/project/lockdown
2018 Arka gallary "Today and tomorrow" Vilnius, Lutuaniya
2017 The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus "Four dimensions of the contemporary art of Belarus" Minsk, Belarus
2016 Art-Hub ”Belarus Month” Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2015 UNESCO Headquarters "Colors for the Planet" Paris, France

Selected Collections
2019 The album of painting- The Library of The Museum of modern Art 
2017 “Thirsty”, “Raja”- Museum of Drawing. Skopje, Makedoniya